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More About DIA

Our Mission
"The Design & Industries Association engages with all those who share a common interest in the contribution that design can make towards the delivery of products and services that are sustainable and able to enhance the quality of life for communities and the individual."

This section is about the Design & Industries Association (DIA). The DIA was founded in 1915 by designers, businessmen and industrialists, and the slogan "Nothing Need be Ugly" changed the way products were designed and perceived by the public. Nowadays the DIA organises visits, events, competitions and bursaries, and welcomes anyone who has an interest in design. The DIA also has a trust.

More Background
With Lord Aberconway as Chairperson, the organisation was founded with the aim of bringing the relevant people together to make products better - both functionally and visually. DIA was very successful and grew rapidly, changing the face of the designer-industry relationship. With the momentum and spirit of Modernism, DIA achieved many things including influencing the founding of the Council of Industrial Design in 1947, now the Design Council.

Why join?
If you care about design and the things we use in our everyday lives then DIA is for you! There's lots of work still to be done in design and lots of fun to be had doing it. 'Design' has become very popular in recent years, with a plethora of television programmes scratching the surface. There really is more to design than stencilled wall coverings! The diverse membership of well-known designers,businesses and individuals  means you're sure to meet someone interesting and influential.

Find out more.....
If you want to find out more and get involved then please contact us or use our contact form. You could even get a taster by coming along to a DIA event as a guest.


Past Presidents
Brian Locke
Raymond Plummer
Sir Kenneth S Anderson
Sir Clough Williams-Ellis
The Second Lord Melchett
B Seebohm Rowntree
Sir Lawrence Waever
The Earl Woolton
The Lord Sempill
Sir George Schuster
Sir Colin S Anderson
Sir Stephen Tallents
The Lord Conesford
Sir Alex Valentine
Sir Roger Falk
Sir Bernard Miller
The Lord Queensbury
Sir Peter Parker
Sir Graham Hills
Ray Leigh
Other Websites About DIA
Rennes Universite

The Design & Industries Association is a registered charity. You can see our charity details on the Charity Commission website