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Wednesday 16th May - Science Museum Library and Archives – Wroughton

Wednesday 16th May - Science Museum Library and Archives – Wroughton imageWednesday 16th May - Science Museum Library and Archives – Wroughton image

A number of members and guests are planning to visit the Science Museum Archives next week

There will be no charge for this event but admission is by appointment only and is restricted to a maximum of 30

visitors. Being a secure site we have to provide in advance the names of attendees and registration numbers of

vehicles needing entry to the property.

The intention is to arrive for 10.30 am for a tour to commence of the archive with some selected material being set out for display. I would expect we would leave by 1.00 pm. I am also looking at the possibility of a post meeting pub lunch for those who have the time.

All members wishing to attend, including those who have already contacted me, please confirm their intention by Email to be there along with their vehicle details.


Alan Booty, The Old Brewhouse, Limpley Stoke, Bath, BA2 7FR Tel 01225 722208 Email alanbooty@me.com


Any member wishing to attend but has difficulties with transport please contact me directly.

Further details of the archive, including directions, can be found on;